Contributing to the Marlin project

Found a bug? Want a new feature ?

The issues are collected via the Github issue tracker To open a new issue, clock on the button New issue and fill the issue template carefully to facilitate the developers's life (and so yours ...).

Contributing to the code

To contribute, use the pull request functionalities provided by GitHub.

Fork the package with your GitHub account. Clone the original repository :

git clone
cd Marlin
git remote add fork
git checkout -b dev

then work on the package as you need. When changes are done, do some commits :

git add 'modified files'
git commit -m "your commit message"
git push fork dev

Finally, go to the official GitHub package page and create a new pull-request.

Please, follow the template form filling instructions in order to facilitate the review process by the authors. Note that the message will go in the release notes, so choose a meaningfull description.