Marlin (Modular Analysis and Reconstruction for the LINear collider) is a simple modular application framework for analysis and reconstruction code based on LCIO.


The main purpose of Marlin is to facilitate the modular development of reconstruction and analysis code based on LCIO. As a lot of different groups are involved it should be simple and straight forward to have distributed development of modules and combine existing modules as needed in a larger application. The base class for a Marlin module is called marlin::Processor. It defines a set of callbacks that the user can implement in their subclasses. A steering file mechanism allows to activate the needed processors. These are then called for every event using the LCEvent as container for input and output data in terms of LCCollections:


The processors are compiled in shared libraries (i.e and loaded at runtime using the marlin::PluginManager. The libraries to use when running Marlin are exported in the environment variable MARLIN_DLL:

$ export MARLIN_DLL=./lib/

or with multiple libraries (split by :):

$ export MARLIN_DLL=./lib/

Marlin usage

The Marlin executable

The executable provided by the software is called Marlin. The current help command gives the following output:

$ Marlin -h
Parsing command line ...
 Usage: Marlin [OPTION] [FILE]...
   runs a Marlin application

 Running the application with a given steering file:
   Marlin steer.xml   

   Marlin [-h/-?]                print this help information
   Marlin -x [steer.xml]         print an example steering file to output file file (default: marlin_steer.xml)

 To create a new default steering file from any Marlin application, run
     Marlin -x  mysteer.xml
 Dynamic command line options may be specified in order to overwrite individual steering file parameters, e.g.:
     Marlin --datasource.LCIOInputFiles="input1.slcio input2.slcio" --geometry.CompactFile=mydetector.xml
            --MyLCIOOutputProcessor.LCIOWriteMode=WRITE_APPEND --MyLCIOOutputProcessor.LCIOOutputFile=out.slcio steer.xml

     NOTE: Dynamic options do NOT work together with Marlin options (-x, -f) nor with the MarlinGUI

The XML steering file list all configuration parameters of the different Marlin components:

The <execute> section of the steering file lists the processors to run sequentially in the application.

For more information see XML parser documentation.

Dumping plugins

It is sometimes very useful, before running a Marlin application, to dump the registered plugins. The executable MarlinDumpPlugins list all registered plugins in the Marlin framework and from all libraries listed in the MARLIN_DLL variable.

Without MARLIN_DLL (possible output):

$ MarlinDumpPlugins
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"] ------------------------------------
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  ** Marlin plugin manager dump **
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  Processor plugins:
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - CPUCrunching
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - EventSelector
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - LCIOOutputProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - MemoryMonitor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - SimpleFastMCProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - Statusmonitor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - TestProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  GeometryPlugin plugins:
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - DD4hepGeometry
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - EmptyGeometry
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - GearGeometry
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  DataSource plugins:
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - LCIO
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - StdHep
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"] ----------------------------------

Using MARLIN_DLL variable:

# Contains a processor called 'MyProcessor'
$ export MARLIN_DLL=./lib/
$ MarlinDumpPlugins
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"] ------------------------------------
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  ** Marlin plugin manager dump **
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  Processor plugins:
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - CPUCrunching
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - EventSelector
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - LCIOOutputProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - MemoryMonitor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - SimpleFastMCProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - Statusmonitor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - TestProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - MyProcessor
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  GeometryPlugin plugins:
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - DD4hepGeometry
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - EmptyGeometry
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - GearGeometry
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  DataSource plugins:
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - LCIO
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"]  - StdHep
[ MESSAGE "PluginManager"] ----------------------------------

Getting a template steering file

As shown in the Marlin help command above, you can dump a steering file containing all parameters of all registered processors in Marlin and the processors listed in MARLIN_DLL:

$ Marlin -x steer.xml