MarlinMT  0.1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NbookClasses needed to book and managed booked objects
 CApplicationApplication class Base application interface for running a Marlin application
 CBookStoreManagerBookStoreManager class
 CclockClock class Provide a wrapper around a certain clock type in std to perform safe clock measurement in multi-threading environement
 CClockMeasureClockMeasure struct Holds clock measurement data for processors
 CCmdLineParserCmdLineParser class Does the main command line parsing for MarlinMT
 CComponentComponent class
 CConfigHelperConfigHelper class A simple class with helper methods for configuration
 CConfigReaderConfigReader base class Interface for reading configuration
 CConfigSectionConfigSection class Holds a set of parameters and subsection
 CConfigurableConfigurable class Interface for configuring components in the framework
 CConfigurationConfiguration class
 CConfigWriterConfigWriter base class Interface for writing configuration
 CCPUCrunchingProcessorSimple processor crunching CPU time for n milliseconds
 CDataSourcePluginDataSourcePlugin class Responsible for reading/getting LCEvent and LCRunHeader in the framework for further processing
 CDD4hepGeometryDD4hepGeometry class Responsible for loading DD4hep geometry in MarlinMT
 CDumpEventProcessorDumpEventProcessor simply dumps an event in the console
 CEmptyGeometryEmptyGeometry class Implement an empty geometry
 CEventSelectorProcessorSimple event selector processor
 CEventStoreEventStore class
 CExceptionException class
 CExpressionHelper struct for LogicalExpression
 CExtensionsExtensions class
 CGearGeometryGearGeometry class Responsible for loading Gear geometry in MarlinMT
 CGeometryManagerGeometryManager class
 CGeometryPluginGeometryPlugin class Responsible for loading geometry in Marlin and providing access to it through the GeometryManager
 CHashHelperHashHelper class Helper class to generate hash 64 id
 CISchedulerIScheduler interface Interface for implementing a scheduling algorithm for event processing
 CLCIOEventUnpackingProcessorSimple processor that triggers the LCEvent data unpacking
 CLCIOFileSourceLCIOFileSource class
 CLCIOOutputProcessorDefault output processor
 CLoggerManagerLoggerManager class Responsible for configuring logger for a given application
 CLoggingLogging class
 CLogicalExpressionsHelper class that holds named boolean values and named conditions that are expressions of these values and computes the corresponding truth values
 CMemoryMonitorProcessorMemoryMonitorProcessor is a memory monitoring application for Marlin
 CParameterParameter<T> class High level interface to register simple parameter values (int, float, ...)
 CParameterBaseParameterBase<T> class Base interface for user parameters
 CParameterImplParameterImpl class Abstract internal implementation of a parameter
 CPluginManagerPluginManager singleton class Responsible for loading shared libraries and collecting processor factory instances
 CProcessorProcessor class
 CProcessorConditionsExtensionProcessorConditionsExtension class Event extension providing access to processor runtime conditions (LogicalExpressions)
 CRandomSeedExtensionRandomSeedExtension class Event extension providing access to random seeds
 CRandomSeedManagerRandomSeedManager class
 CReaderListenerReaderListener class
 CRunHeaderRunHeader class
 CSequenceSequence class A sequence is a list of processors wrapped in SequenceItem objects
 CSequenceItemSequenceItem class Handle a processor pointer and call Processor::processEvent in a critical section if configured accordingly
 CSimpleSchedulerSimpleScheduler class
 CStatusmonitorSimple processor for writing out a status message every n-th event
 CStdHepFileSourceStdHepFileSource class
 CStringUtilStringUtil class Simple utility class for string operations
 CSuperSequenceSuperSequence class Manages a fixed list of Sequence objects
 CTestProcessorSimple processor for testing
 CTokenizerHelper class for LogicalExpressions that splits the expression into subexpressions - needs to be apllied iteratively
 CVectorParameterVectorParameter<T> class
 CXMLConfigReaderXMLConfigReader plugin Read an XML file and populate the configuration with sections and parameters
 CXMLConfigWriterXMLConfigWriter plugin Write an XML file from the configuration sections and parameters
 Cless< marlinmt::book::EntryKey >