MarlinMT  0.1.0
marlinmt Namespace Reference


 contains classes needed to book and managed booked objects.


class  Application
 Application class Base application interface for running a Marlin application. More...
class  BookStoreManager
 BookStoreManager class. More...
class  clock
 clock class Provide a wrapper around a certain clock type in std to perform safe clock measurement in multi-threading environement More...
struct  ClockMeasure
 ClockMeasure struct Holds clock measurement data for processors. More...
class  CmdLineParser
 CmdLineParser class Does the main command line parsing for MarlinMT. More...
class  Component
 Component class. More...
class  ConfigHelper
 ConfigHelper class A simple class with helper methods for configuration. More...
class  ConfigReader
 ConfigReader base class Interface for reading configuration. More...
class  ConfigSection
 ConfigSection class Holds a set of parameters and subsection. More...
class  Configurable
 Configurable class Interface for configuring components in the framework. More...
class  Configuration
 Configuration class. More...
class  ConfigWriter
 ConfigWriter base class Interface for writing configuration. More...
class  CPUCrunchingProcessor
 Simple processor crunching CPU time for n milliseconds. More...
class  DataSourcePlugin
 DataSourcePlugin class Responsible for reading/getting LCEvent and LCRunHeader in the framework for further processing. More...
class  DD4hepGeometry
 DD4hepGeometry class Responsible for loading DD4hep geometry in MarlinMT. More...
class  DumpEventProcessor
 DumpEventProcessor simply dumps an event in the console. More...
class  EmptyGeometry
 EmptyGeometry class Implement an empty geometry. More...
class  Entry
class  EventSelectorProcessor
 Simple event selector processor. More...
class  EventStore
 EventStore class. More...
class  Exception
 Exception class. More...
struct  Expression
 Helper struct for LogicalExpression. More...
class  Extension
class  Extensions
 Extensions class. More...
class  GearGeometry
 GearGeometry class Responsible for loading Gear geometry in MarlinMT. More...
class  GeometryManager
 GeometryManager class. More...
class  GeometryPlugin
 GeometryPlugin class Responsible for loading geometry in Marlin and providing access to it through the GeometryManager. More...
class  HashHelper
 HashHelper class Helper class to generate hash 64 id. More...
class  IScheduler
 IScheduler interface Interface for implementing a scheduling algorithm for event processing. More...
class  LCIOEventUnpackingProcessor
 Simple processor that triggers the LCEvent data unpacking. More...
class  LCIOFileSource
 LCIOFileSource class. More...
class  LCIOOutputProcessor
 Default output processor. More...
class  LoggerManager
 LoggerManager class Responsible for configuring logger for a given application. More...
class  Logging
 Logging class. More...
class  LogicalExpressions
 Helper class that holds named boolean values and named conditions that are expressions of these values and computes the corresponding truth values. More...
class  MemoryMonitorProcessor
 MemoryMonitorProcessor is a memory monitoring application for Marlin. More...
class  Output
class  Parameter
 Parameter<T> class High level interface to register simple parameter values (int, float, ...). More...
class  ParameterBase
 ParameterBase<T> class Base interface for user parameters. More...
class  ParameterImpl
 ParameterImpl class Abstract internal implementation of a parameter. More...
class  PluginManager
 PluginManager singleton class Responsible for loading shared libraries and collecting processor factory instances. More...
class  Processor
 Processor class. More...
class  ProcessorApi
class  ProcessorConditionsExtension
 ProcessorConditionsExtension class Event extension providing access to processor runtime conditions (LogicalExpressions) More...
class  RandomSeedExtension
 RandomSeedExtension class Event extension providing access to random seeds. More...
class  RandomSeedManager
 RandomSeedManager class. More...
class  ReaderListener
 ReaderListener class. More...
class  RunHeader
 RunHeader class. More...
class  Sequence
 Sequence class A sequence is a list of processors wrapped in SequenceItem objects. More...
class  SequenceItem
 SequenceItem class Handle a processor pointer and call Processor::processEvent in a critical section if configured accordingly. More...
class  SimpleScheduler
 SimpleScheduler class. More...
class  Statusmonitor
 Simple processor for writing out a status message every n-th event. More...
class  StdHepFileSource
 StdHepFileSource class. More...
class  StringUtil
 StringUtil class Simple utility class for string operations. More...
class  SuperSequence
 SuperSequence class Manages a fixed list of Sequence objects. More...
class  TestProcessor
 Simple processor for testing. More...
class  Tokenizer
 Helper class for LogicalExpressions that splits the expression into subexpressions - needs to be apllied iteratively. More...
class  VectorParameter
 VectorParameter<T> class. More...
class  XMLConfigReader
 XMLConfigReader plugin Read an XML file and populate the configuration with sections and parameters. More...
class  XMLConfigWriter
 XMLConfigWriter plugin Write an XML file from the configuration sections and parameters. More...


template<typename P >
using AxisConfig = book::types::AxisConfig< P >
template<typename P , typename W , std::size_t D>
using HistConfig = book::types::HistConfig< P, W, D >
template<typename P , typename W , std::size_t D>
using HistT = book::types::HistT< HistConfig< P, W, D > >
using BookFlag_t = book::Flag_t
using AxisConfigF = AxisConfig< float >
using AxisConfigD = AxisConfig< double >
using AxisConfigI = AxisConfig< int >
using Hist1F = book::types::H1F
using Hist1D = book::types::H1D
using Hist1I = book::types::H1I
using Hist2F = book::types::H2F
using Hist2D = book::types::H2D
using Hist2I = book::types::H2I
using Hist3F = book::types::H3F
using Hist3D = book::types::H3D
using Hist3I = book::types::H3I
using H1FEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist1F > >
using H1DEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist1D > >
using H1IEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist1I > >
using H2FEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist2F > >
using H2DEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist2D > >
using H2IEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist2I > >
using H3FEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist3F > >
using H3DEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist3D > >
using H3IEntry = book::Handle< book::Entry< Hist3I > >
using H1FHandle = book::Handle< Hist1F >
using H1DHandle = book::Handle< Hist1D >
using H1IHandle = book::Handle< Hist1I >
using H2FHandle = book::Handle< Hist2F >
using H2DHandle = book::Handle< Hist2D >
using H2IHandle = book::Handle< Hist2I >
using H3FHandle = book::Handle< Hist3F >
using H3DHandle = book::Handle< Hist3D >
using H3IHandle = book::Handle< Hist3I >
using IntParameter = Parameter< int >
using UIntParameter = Parameter< unsigned int >
using FloatParameter = Parameter< float >
using DoubleParameter = Parameter< double >
using BoolParameter = Parameter< bool >
using StringParameter = Parameter< std::string >
using IntVectorParameter = VectorParameter< int >
using UIntVectorParameter = VectorParameter< unsigned int >
using FloatVectorParameter = VectorParameter< float >
using DoubleVectorParameter = VectorParameter< double >
using BoolVectorParameter = VectorParameter< bool >
using StringVectorParameter = VectorParameter< std::string >
template<typename T >
using ValidatorFunctionT = std::function< bool(const T &)>


enum  EParameterType { EParameterType::eSimple, EParameterType::eVector }
 EParameterType enumerator Enumerates parameter types supported by Marlin. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Configuration &cfg)
 Stream operator. More...
 Definition of Marlin exceptions. More...
 MARLINMT_DEFINE_EXCEPTION (StopProcessingException)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, Expression &e)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Parameter< T > &rhs)
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator== (const Parameter< T > &lhs, const S &rhs)
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator!= (const Parameter< T > &lhs, const S &rhs)
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator< (const Parameter< T > &lhs, const S &rhs)
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator<= (const Parameter< T > &lhs, const S &rhs)
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator> (const Parameter< T > &lhs, const S &rhs)
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator>= (const Parameter< T > &lhs, const S &rhs)
void printSection (const ConfigSection &section, std::ostream &stream, const std::string &prefix)
std::filesystem::path constructPath (const Processor *proc, const std::filesystem::path &path)
 construct absolute path from relative path and processor. More...
template<typename HistT >
book::Handle< book::Entry< HistT > > getObject (const BookStoreManager &storeManager, const std::filesystem::path &path, const std::string_view &name)

Typedef Documentation

◆ AxisConfig

template<typename P >
using marlinmt::AxisConfig = typedef book::types::AxisConfig<P>

Definition at line 15 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ AxisConfigD

using marlinmt::AxisConfigD = typedef AxisConfig<double>

Definition at line 31 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ AxisConfigF

using marlinmt::AxisConfigF = typedef AxisConfig<float>

Definition at line 30 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ AxisConfigI

using marlinmt::AxisConfigI = typedef AxisConfig<int>

Definition at line 32 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ BookFlag_t

Definition at line 23 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ BoolParameter

using marlinmt::BoolParameter = typedef Parameter<bool>

Definition at line 816 of file Parameter.h.

◆ BoolVectorParameter

Definition at line 822 of file Parameter.h.

◆ DoubleParameter

using marlinmt::DoubleParameter = typedef Parameter<double>

Definition at line 815 of file Parameter.h.

◆ DoubleVectorParameter

Definition at line 821 of file Parameter.h.

◆ FloatParameter

using marlinmt::FloatParameter = typedef Parameter<float>

Definition at line 814 of file Parameter.h.

◆ FloatVectorParameter

Definition at line 820 of file Parameter.h.

◆ H1DEntry

Definition at line 49 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H1DHandle

Definition at line 61 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H1FEntry

Definition at line 48 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H1FHandle

Definition at line 60 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H1IEntry

Definition at line 50 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H1IHandle

Definition at line 62 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H2DEntry

Definition at line 52 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H2DHandle

Definition at line 64 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H2FEntry

Definition at line 51 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H2FHandle

Definition at line 63 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H2IEntry

Definition at line 53 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H2IHandle

Definition at line 65 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H3DEntry

Definition at line 55 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H3DHandle

Definition at line 67 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H3FEntry

Definition at line 54 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H3FHandle

Definition at line 66 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H3IEntry

Definition at line 56 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ H3IHandle

Definition at line 68 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist1D

Definition at line 36 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist1F

Definition at line 35 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist1I

Definition at line 37 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist2D

Definition at line 39 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist2F

Definition at line 38 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist2I

Definition at line 40 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist3D

Definition at line 42 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist3F

Definition at line 41 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ Hist3I

Definition at line 43 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ HistConfig

template<typename P , typename W , std::size_t D>
using marlinmt::HistConfig = typedef book::types::HistConfig<P, W, D>

Definition at line 18 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ HistT

template<typename P , typename W , std::size_t D>
using marlinmt::HistT = typedef book::types::HistT<HistConfig<P, W, D> >

Definition at line 21 of file MarlinMTBookConfig.h.

◆ IntParameter

using marlinmt::IntParameter = typedef Parameter<int>

Definition at line 812 of file Parameter.h.

◆ IntVectorParameter

Definition at line 818 of file Parameter.h.

◆ StringParameter

using marlinmt::StringParameter = typedef Parameter<std::string>

Definition at line 817 of file Parameter.h.

◆ StringVectorParameter

using marlinmt::StringVectorParameter = typedef VectorParameter<std::string>

Definition at line 823 of file Parameter.h.

◆ UIntParameter

using marlinmt::UIntParameter = typedef Parameter<unsigned int>

Definition at line 813 of file Parameter.h.

◆ UIntVectorParameter

using marlinmt::UIntVectorParameter = typedef VectorParameter<unsigned int>

Definition at line 819 of file Parameter.h.

◆ ValidatorFunctionT

template<typename T >
using marlinmt::ValidatorFunctionT = typedef std::function<bool(const T &)>

Definition at line 12 of file Validator.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EParameterType

EParameterType enumerator Enumerates parameter types supported by Marlin.


Simple (scalar) parameter.

Vector parameter

Definition at line 27 of file Parameter.h.

Function Documentation

◆ constructPath()

◆ getObject()

template<typename HistT >
book::Handle<book::Entry<HistT> > marlinmt::getObject ( const BookStoreManager storeManager,
const std::filesystem::path &  path,
const std::string_view &  name 


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist1F  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist1D  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist1I  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist2F  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist2D  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist2I  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist3F  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist3D  )


marlinmt::INSTANCIATIONS_HIST ( Hist3I  )


marlinmt::MARLINMT_DEFINE_EXCEPTION ( SkipEventException  )

Definition of Marlin exceptions.

Referenced by marlinmt::Exception::Exception().


marlinmt::MARLINMT_DEFINE_EXCEPTION ( StopProcessingException  )


marlinmt::MARLINMT_DEFINE_EXCEPTION ( ParseException  )


marlinmt::MARLINMT_DEFINE_EXCEPTION ( BookStoreException  )

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T , typename S >
bool marlinmt::operator!= ( const Parameter< T > &  lhs,
const S &  rhs 

Definition at line 777 of file Parameter.h.

References marlinmt::ParameterBase< T >::get().

◆ operator<()

template<typename T , typename S >
bool marlinmt::operator< ( const Parameter< T > &  lhs,
const S &  rhs 

Definition at line 784 of file Parameter.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream & marlinmt::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
Expression e 

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

std::ostream & marlinmt::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Configuration cfg 

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::ostream& marlinmt::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Parameter< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 762 of file Parameter.h.

◆ operator<=()

template<typename T , typename S >
bool marlinmt::operator<= ( const Parameter< T > &  lhs,
const S &  rhs 

Definition at line 791 of file Parameter.h.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T , typename S >
bool marlinmt::operator== ( const Parameter< T > &  lhs,
const S &  rhs 

Definition at line 770 of file Parameter.h.

References marlinmt::ParameterBase< T >::get().

◆ operator>()

template<typename T , typename S >
bool marlinmt::operator> ( const Parameter< T > &  lhs,
const S &  rhs 

Definition at line 798 of file Parameter.h.

References marlinmt::ParameterBase< T >::get().

◆ operator>=()

template<typename T , typename S >
bool marlinmt::operator>= ( const Parameter< T > &  lhs,
const S &  rhs 

Definition at line 805 of file Parameter.h.

References marlinmt::ParameterBase< T >::get().

◆ printSection()

void marlinmt::printSection ( const ConfigSection section,
std::ostream &  stream,
const std::string &  prefix 